Musketeers over Suez
In November the 3rd, 1956, during the Suez Crisis.
The painting shows two french Corsair airoplanes, the 15.F.17 and its couple (Flottille 15F, Aeronavale) on the way to their mission. Their aircraft carrier, R95 Arromanches, was the commanding centre for the french forces.
The 14.F and 15.F Flotillas took part in the Anglo-French-Israeli seizure of the Suez Canal in October 1956, code-named Operation Musketeer. The Corsairs were painted with yellow and black recognition stripes for this operation. They were tasked with destroying Egyptian Navy ships at Alexandria but the presence of U.S. Navy ships prevented the successful completion of the mission. On 3 November 16 F4U-7s attacked airfields in the Delta, with one Corsair shot down by anti-aircraft fire. Two more Corsairs were damaged when landing back on the carriers.
by Kostas Kavvathias
Type: Print
Dimensions: 50x70cm
Materials: Acrylics on canvas (originally)
Available: For sale
Ordered from: HOBBY BOSS model kits
Signed: Yes, front
Certificate of Authenticity: Yes
Plane's logs:
Vought F4U Corsair | BuNo.133699 | 15.F.17
Units: Flottille 14F & 15F, Aeronavale
Picture source: